Carbofilter Ag2+

data sheet

Our CARBOFILTER®Ag2 +, was developed through an OEM program according strict specifications, responding to an application of drink (automatic distribution of drinks). The silver impregnation Ag2 + was a customer requirement while maintaining accurate dosing and ensuring other absorption properties of our CARBOFILTER®.
The cartridge is used to prevent the growth of microorganisms within the media, and therefore bacterial growth. It ensures higher service life compared to a CARBOFILTER®, and can be recommended on non-treated water microbiologically (us) such as rainwater. there is no add of other chemical nanocomponents.

Technical datas : 

Media :  GAC of coconut charcoal, NSF 61, impregnated at 0,05% of silver salt. 
Lenght : 4’’7/8 – 5’’ – 7’’- 9’’3/4 – 10’’ – 20’’ – 30’’- 40’’
Diamètre :  ID 28mm             OD 68mm to 110mm
Max. Temperature : 52°C
Micron rating : 5µm to 10µm
End caps :   DOE, code 3,8 (7 on request)
Gaskets :
EPDM, other on request.
Reduction chlorine Capacity 
9000L to 14000L with 2mg/l Cl² reduced to 85%, @ 250L/h per module of 10’’.
Initiale Pressure Drop  50mbars@205L/h>

 Lot of other dimensions for OEM program.


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